Teaching Artist Work


MAST High School Students 2020

I really enjoyed teaching these MAST High School students to build their confidence, and leadership skills through the arts. I helped them create a performance for black history month for an after school acting program. They performed poetry/speeches which I wrote some and helped coach them through the rehearsal for a month. The experience of being able to express yourself artistically can help build your character as a human being because you are learning what you are truly capable of while performing.

*Contact me directly for rates & availability*

Spotlight Program Students

I have had the amazing opportunity to to work on this new program where we create a play with Hudson County students over the period of four months.

We are finally at the place to share what we have put together. This production was devised by the students.

Date of Performance: Sunday, March 27th @4pm

Description of show:

What do our city’s young people see when they look at the world? What does the world see when it looks at them? Who decides which matters? This original production created and performed by Hudson County youth grapples with young people’s questions in their own words

Get to know me as a teaching artist *Recent Video Made for JCTC Summer Camp*

 Sample Work of Recent Student